Chiomenti | Bruxelles
Code of Corporate Governance for Responsible Businesses

The Firm is the first Italian law firm to adhere to the Code of Corporate Governance for Responsible Businesses in support of maternity, promoted by the Ministry for Family, Birth Rate, and Equal Opportunities. 

This is a fundamental step in a journey of listening and concrete actions, aiming to promote sustainable development centered on people, enhance the value of parenthood, and revitalize the social role of the profession.

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Our Commitment

Our targeted action plan focuses on care and attention for the environment, people and the community

Our Commitment
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Integrated multidisciplinary advice as a key to competitiveness and development for businesses

Professionalism with an international outlook since 1948.

About Us
Integrated multidisciplinary advice as a key to competitiveness and development for businesses


Over 400 professionals

Chiomenti works side by side with Italy’s economic and production leaders providing valuable expertise, talent and experience. 
Chiomenti’s team of professionals stands out for its in-depth knowledge of legal variables, its individual talent and its international mission, making us the trusted partner of Italy’s primary institutions and businesses.

About our professionals
Over 400 professionals
Our Commitment

A programme of targeted actions in the context of our Sustainability Plan, reflecting the awareness that we are all involved in an ongoing challenge.
The plan focuses on care and attention for the environment, people and the community.

About our project