“Mergermarket Italian M&A and Private Equity Forum” Live virtual event, 3 November 2020
Chiomenti joins and supports “@Mergermarket Italian M&A and Private Equity Forum” (3 November 2020), the Live Virtual Event that gives the Italian M&A Community the chance to join speakers at the top of their fields, as they discuss key industry trends and themes that will define the market in the future.
Our Partner Massimiliano Nitti will be speaking at the opening panel (9.45 CET) focused on “Italian M&A outlook” and our Partner Giulio Napolitano will be speaking at the panel on “FDI (Foreign direct investments) rules to increase red tape” (10.45 CET - in Italian) with Roberto Chieppa (General Secretary and President Italian Council of Ministers) and Ferruccio De Bortoli (Columnist and President Associazione Vidas and Casa editrice Longanesi).
Click here to register: https://bit.ly/35ODsdq