Recent trends in International arbitration – 31 May 2019, Chiomenti, Milan
Chiomenti will host the conference on “Recent trends in International arbitration” that will be held on May 31st, 2019 at the Firm’s offices in Milan.
The conference will be attended by Partners Andrea Bernava, Luca Ferrari and Silvio Martuccelli and by Of Counsel Stefania Bariatti and Filippo Corsini, as speakers.
Christian Camboulive (Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel), Alberto Fortún (Cuatrecasas), Andrea Leufgen (Partner, Gleiss Lutz), Hannah McIrvine (Counsel, Gide Loyrette Nouel) and César Rivera (Partner, Cuatrecasas), will also be speaking at the event.
Together Chiomenti, Cuatrecasas (Spain and Portugal), Gide Loyrette Nouel (France) and Gleiss Lutz (Germany) form a European network of independent market-leading law firms.
The conference will start at 9.30 with a speech by Andrea Bernava on The European Network followed by Introductory remarks by Filippo Corsini.
At 10.00 a Roundtable on “The Prague Rules on the efficient conduct of proceedings” will be held with the participation of Christian Camboulive, Andrea Leufgen and César Rivera, as speakers.
At 10.45 Stefania Bariatti will interview Maria Beatrice Deli (Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato) on “The activity of ICC in Italy”; at 11.30 Alberto Fortún will be speaking on “Investment arbitration”. At 11.50 will be taken a second interview, by Luca Ferrari to Stefano Azzali (Camera Arbitrale di Milano) on “The New Regulation of the Milan Chamber of arbitration”.
At 12.10 Hannah McIrvine will be speaking on “The impact of Brexit on international Arbitration”, followed by Closing remarks by Silvio Martuccelli.