Newsalert - Entry into effect of the IFRS 16 boosts EBITDA of IFRS-adopters
Newsalert - Entry into effect of the IFRS 16 boosts EBITDA of IFRS-adopters

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Newsalert - Entry into effect of the IFRS 16 boosts EBITDA of IFRS-adopters

Effective from January 1, 2019, IFRS-adopters must account for leases pursuant to a new standard, IFRS 16, which eliminates the distinction between financial and operating leases by setting forth a common accounting framework.

Notably, under the new standard, an arrangement constitutes a “lease” when the lessee controls the use of an identified asset for a defined period of time in exchange for a given consideration.

Download the Newsalert edited by our Private Equity Business Unit on the effects and relevance of the new accounting standard