Newsletter | IP 23/08/2023
Today, 23 August 2023, Law No. 102 of 24 July 2023 - published in the Official Gazette on 8 August - enters into force. It amends the Industrial Property Code under Legislative Decree No. 30 of 10 February 2005, making significant changes.
The new law - which is one of the reforms envisaged by the 'PNRR' and consists of 32 articles, divided into three chapters - responds to multiple objectives, such as the strengthening of Italy's competitiveness, a more solid protection of industrial property rights, as well as more purely administrative aspects, such as the simplification and digitalisation of procedures to facilitate business development.
Chiomenti's Professionals analysed the implications of the new law, focusing in particular on the various issues and articles affecting the industrial property code.
Read the full document to learn more.