
Chiomenti has decades of experience in tax matters, enriched over the years by a multidisciplinary approach and integration among the various skills of the Firm's Practice Areas.
The tax law and tax planning Practice Area provides assistance in relation to several complex tax issues for a diversified clientele.
Regarding corporate and financial taxation, the Firm provides assistance in the areas of extraordinary operations and structured finance, particularly in private equity and real estate, for multinational companies, private industrial groups, financial intermediaries, and investment funds. With regard to transfer pricing assistance, the assignments are carried out jointly with independent economists of recognized international standing.
Chiomenti is also a leader in providing assistance to individuals, High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI), and family offices for management and protection of personal assets, as well as for the transfer of these assets through donation or succession.
A significant part of the Practice Area's activity involves aspects of international taxation and planning, with assistance provided – in relation to foreign law issues – in coordination with the most prestigious independent legal and tax firms worldwide.
In addition to extraordinary transactions and non-litigation consultancy, the Firm has gained significant experience in complex tax disputes, assisting clients from verification by the Tax Authorities to representation before the Court of Cassation.
The team also provides assistance in prevention and management of tax risks, including criminal implications, and in conducting complex pre-litigation procedures, as well as management of complex disputes, both in the field of international taxation and in relation to domestic issues of particular relevance.