Francesco Ago advises Italian and international clients on matters concerning finance, financing, capital markets, bankruptcy law, and corporate restructuring with a focus on structured finance, securitisation, guaranteed bank bonds, acquisition finance, real estate finance, export finance, leasing and asset finance, public offers and stock listing (including capital increases, public offers and listing of convertible and equity-linked debt notes), private placements to institutional investors (including managers and employees), insolvency and pre-insolvency proceedings, and financial restructuring.
Francesco Ago has been ranked as a leading lawyer by prominent international legal guides such as Chambers, IFLR 1000, and Legal 500. He was awarded the “Prize of Excellence – Finance” at the Legalcommunity Finance Awards 2016.
Francesco Ago joined the Firm in 1974, became a Partner in 1986 and Senior Of Counsel in 2019. In 1978, he worked for a leading law Firm in Washington D.C.QUALIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
Member of the Rome Bar (Italy)
Graduated in Law
Sapienza University of Rome,
Georgetown University, Washington,