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+39 02 72157676
Francesco offers Italian and international clients out-of-court advice and in-court assistance in all major areas pertaining to white-collar offences with a focus on criminal corporate law, finance, bankruptcy, taxation and environmental issues, and as well as corporate criminal liability. As a lawyer entitled to practice before the Supreme Court since 2010, for over ten years Francesco has advised major companies operating in the banking and finance, environmental, energy, petrochemical, mass distribution, telecommunications, and construction industries. He has been involved in cases concerning crimes against property, public administration, and complex Italian and international proceedings involving bribery and corruption indictments. He has drafted and updated various organisational and management models under Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 while acting as Chairman of the Supervisory Body.


Francesco joined the Firm in 2017 and became a Partner in 2019. Since 2024 Deputy Head of the "Litigation & Advisory" Department and Head of the "White Collar crime & Investigation" Practice Area.


Professor of Criminal Law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, where he teaches Criminal Law and Commercial Law in the Law Faculty. He is director of the University Master's Program in Corporate Criminal Law (MiDPI) and coordinator of the "Federico Stella" High School on Criminal Justice (ASGP). He is coordinator of research projects of national interest (PRIN). His body of work - which consists of two monographs and more than one hundred publications including articles in journals and contributions to books and textbooks – addresses several topics with particular focus on the white-collar offences sector (market manipulation, transparency, bankruptcy and bankruptcy related offences, corporate liability, money laundering, false company disclosures, and criminal-law protection of share capital) and on the areas of environment and occupational health and safety.


2010 Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, Italy
2018 Member of the Roma Bar (Italy)


Laurea in Giurisprudenza
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy, 2001
Executive Education, Leadership in Law Firms
Harvard Law School, United States, 2022


Italian, English